Shobhit Sarkar grew up in a small town of Haldia, West Bengal. After completing his engineering degree from a local college, Shobhit worked for a few years as an Business Development Associate (BDA) in a multinational company. Simultaneously Shobhit also prepared for MBA Admission exams specifically for CAT. While preparing for CAT, he realized that the conventional methods of learning were not effective for him. He decided to develop his own unique approach to learning – making notes, mnemonics, practice schedules etc.

Over time, many of his friends, as well as other aspirants begin to approach him for clarification on certain topics. Soon, the word of mouth spread and Shobhit began to take paid classes for students at his home.

Shobhit then decided to turn his makeshift ‘classes’ into a business. It was then when a friend of his suggested Gibbon by EduGorilla to him. With Gibbon, Shobhit was able to set up his own website, with a matching app. He was also provided with LIVE class recording and Video course creation facility by which he could record his LIVE class and then package it into a video course for his students.

With Gibbon’s help Shobhit’s institute ‘Prepversa’ was able to gain 5,000 students in just a month! The institute now has 12,000 students, and due to Shobhit’s hardwork, and EduGorrila’s Support it has been steadily gaining more and more students each month.

In Shobhit’s own words:

It was amazing. Gibbon helped me to successfully launch my own institute, and service a significant number of candidates. Rather than me being employed in a business after IIM, I can now hire IIM graduates for my business!”

Shobhit Sarkar

Shobhit Sarkar has successfully launched his own online institute with Gibbon, and so could you. Click the banner below.

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