Dr. Umesh Lal retired from the post of Professor (Faculty of Law) at Vivekananda University, Jaipur, in 2018. He intended to enjoy his retirement engaged in his hobbies, but soon he was mentoring his relative’s children for various law exams.

As the months passed on, Dr. Umesh’s ‘part-time, impromptu’ classes began to attract more and more students. Ultimately, even his moderately large house was unable to accommodate his growling number of students. It was when he decided to open his own institute ‘Law Basics’ for CLAT, DU LLB, SLAT and other law entrance exam preparation.

I may have been tired from the post of a professor, but teaching did not let me retire. At 66 years, I decided to open my own institute”

Dr. Umesh Lal

However, opening an institute was not so simple. Dr. Umesh’s children were against the idea. For them, opening a institute at such an advanced age would be physically exhausting for him.

It was when a student of his suggested opening an “online” institute by taking the services of Gibbon – A PLUG & PLAY solution by EduGorilla. Gibbon provided Dr. Umesh with an website and an accompanying app for his institute. Dr. Umesh was also provided with LIVE classes facility so that he could interact with his students in real-time. With Gibbon, Dr. Umesh was able to set up his academy ‘Law Basics’ within a week!

Gibbon helped me to get my website, along with Logo, Promotional Banner, and other marketing materials. They also set up so that I can teach students online (LIVE class), and record the session.

With their support, I am enjoying both teaching and running my own academy.”

Dr. Umesh Lal

Currently, Law Basics have 60 students offline, and 350+ students online. Dr. Umesh has recently partnered with 3 other retired professors to provide mentoring for PCS-J, IBPS Law Recruitment, and other law recruitment exams.

Dr. Umesh has truly started his ‘2nd innings’ as an educator, with Gibbon. To learn how you could do the same too, click the banner below.

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