iOS is preferred by many due to its seamless integration of hardware and software, ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience. The ecosystem also enhances security, minimizing malware risks. In order to enhance your market reach Gibbon also offers an iOS App to our clients as an add.
By optioning in for iOS App addon, you would get a replica of your existing WhiteLabel App provided by Gibbon. You may also customize your iOS App differently from your Android App, if you so please.
Activation Keys are a PAID feature of Gibbon. Clients will have to purchase Activation Keys for allotting to their students. Contact the sales representative or write a mail to [email protected] regarding any queries.
- Clients must have ‘Admin Access’ to the portal/website.
- Clients must have activated the Add-On service for the portal/website.
What are the Advantages of Having an iOS App?
- Covers the Entirety of the Mobile Market
There are only two significant players in the mobile OS market – Android and iOS. Meaning that your student would either have an Android Mobile or an iPhone (which runs on iOS). - Brand Reputation
Its not easy to develop an app for iOS when compared to Android. Add to that the many approvals needed to actually publish the app. Further, the licensing fee and publishing fee associated with creating an app, makes publishing an app on iOS a bit ‘difficult’.
If your business has an iOS App, it indirectly conveys that you have the needed resources and are ‘reputed’ enough to be able to do so. - International Market Reach
iPhones are the most preferred communication devices in the world, with billions of international users. Developing an App for the platform, lets you have access to this global user base.
What are the Advantages of Having Gibbon’s WhiteLabel iOS App?
- Hassle Free Experience
Our team of experts would handle iOS licensing, platform compliance, and any other permissions needed to publish the app. You just have to give instructions and we’ll make it exactly as you want.
- Make it Exactly As Your Android App OR Go for a Different Look
Gibbon clients already have their own WhiteLabel App provided by Gibbon. If they want we can deliver their new iOS App customized exactly as their Android App, even to the colors displayed on each page!
If feasible, clients can also customize the aesthetics of their iOS App independent from their Android App, again, even to the colors displayed on each page! - Reduced Delivery Period
If you are our existing customer, we already have the list of the features you want on your new app, and we know what content you want. All thanks to the deep trust and relationship of our Representative with their clients.
- In Sync with Your Online Portal
Like your Android app, your iOS app would also receive updates made to the schedule, content, and any other aspect of your White Label portal.
In case clients still have any doubt or want to enable any Feature or Add-on for their portal, please do:
- Contact EduGorilla’s Support Team on the number: (+91–6393209453)
- Write a mail to [email protected]
- Contact EduGorilla’s Sales Representative
All the features of Gibbon Plug & Play solutions, are given below.
Daily News & Current Affair | Quiz | Classroom Assistance |
Discount Coupon creation | E-Library | Animated Video Course |
App Theme Customization | Activation Keys |