A very tricky question. Is there a way to actually find the answer to this question. Many cases can be made in which leadership is defined by individuals in a totally different manner. Leadership in basic words can be defined as the quality to lead or help others who are inferior to you to your level or beyond. If we start writing the definitions of Leadership there will be a billion words and still a few cases left, so let’s stick to “The Quality to Lead”.

But how does one qualify to lead? What is the procedure that one must follow in order to possess qualities which allows them to be a good leader? How much experience do leaders have? So, many questions are phrased when someone wants to learn about leadership or how to help others grow a sense of leadership. Do not worry and do not go elsewhere because this is where you get all your answers. Below we will discuss how students can develop leadership skills.

Develop certain personality traits

It is important that first of all students must focus on developing a few personality traits which will be considered as assets for them with time. These assets are the most valuable assets as their value only increases with time. Below is a list of such personality traits which will aid a student in becoming future leader:

  • Time management
  • Goal-Setting
  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Advocating for or Defending a Cause
  • Accountability
  • Networking

Idolizing the right traits of current world leaders

The goal is not to just be a leader but to be a just leader. That being said, let us clarify what it meant. There have been and are leaders who possess powers and are considered leaders but they are wrong and unjust. We must acknowledge their wrong traits and never blindly follow them. What we should do is focus on the traits that are mentioned above and have some morals and be ethical. The perfect mixture of all such qualities will shape a great leader.

Take more responsibilities

In order to be a successful leader one must never hesitate taking responsibilities. Responsibilities can be of any type such as a project, a group project, some sort of NGO work, some household work or anything. Running errands successfully will always be fruitful in terms of character development. There are so many things that can be learned by simply doing things that challenge you. When you complete a task that seemed impossible when you first heard it, it will make you more confident about yourself and you will be encouraged to take more challenging tasks which will enhance your personality traits.

Be Impulsive

Impulse is the first reaction that our body gives without thinking. Reacting to a burn is an impulsive reaction. So being impulsive saves you from doing anything that harms you. We often say, go with guts or I have a gut feeling or in some cases people say that my sixth sense is telling me to do so. These people may think of themselves as Spider-Man with a spidey sense but eventually it is all about the impulsive reactions.

To be more specific, leadership is developed when the student knows how to react to certain situations because not all situations give you the time to think. Sometimes you must make a quick decision. Such instincts and impulses are not just random decisions but they are formed by the years of experience, current knowledge and understanding. So when you are following your instinct you are not following a random decision but the decision made by your consciousness after all its processing. So, teaching students to trust their instincts and be impulsive will help them go a long way as a leader.

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Always Learn

Now this is a very key point. No matter what stage you are in your life you can not afford to stop the learning process if you want to be a leader. There is always something to learn in this world and as humans our whole history and development is the result of learning. Learning new things that will go on to contribute in some part of life. Our lives are so full of variations and diversities that there will always be points in our life where we must have had thought, god! I wish I knew this. Even as a leader you can never know everything but knowing a good amount of things does go a long way in making leaders of the world.

All knowledgeable people in today’s date keep them updated with new technologies and other things because all of this makes us who we are today and as leaders it is your responsibility to know all of it and use it when the time comes.

Be Inspiring

You can never be a leader until and unless you are inspiring those who follow you. Always remember that you are a leader till everybody accepts you as a leader and the best way to be acknowledged as a leader is by inspiring people who follow you to do the same good things that you are doing. You must lead by example if you want to be a great leader. Let us take the example of Mahatma Gandhi who himself never said or did anything violent and hence became a symbol of peace and non-violence and inspired millions of people to do so with him. Imagine if he himself was violent and aggressive but asked others to be non-violent, in such cases no one would have followed him but luckily he was not like that.


A good leader always listens. Listens to criticism, listens to praises, listens to his followers, listens to his enemies, listens to everybody’s opinions and listens to everybody’s teachings. One must not be like interrupting others while they speak. This will not be helpful for you as you will not be able to understand what the other person spoke and in reply he will not listen to you as well and how will you lead someone who does not listen to you. So, listen!


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