Ever Since online exams came into existence, students are giving exams on media devices like, computers, laptops, tablets or even mobile phones sometimes. So to facilitate such exams, schools and colleges use Remote Proctoring Software.

Remote Proctoring Softwares are the softwares which are used to keep a check on students and candidates giving the exams. If we break down the name Remote means from any location, Proctoring means invigilating and softwares are applications used for some specific tasks.

Now let us discuss the different sorts of Remote Proctoring, which are mentioned below:

  • Live Recording: In such remote proctoring softwares, a live video is broadcasted to the screen of the invigilator. In their screens invigilators monitor the students and candidates giving exams. In different remote proctoring softwares there are different workings. For example, few remote proctoring softwares have the facility in which the student/candidate can talk to the invigilator and vice-versa, some have like warning messages and red flags which are used to warn those who are cheating or acting suspicious.
  • Recorded Proctoring: In this type the whole video of the duration till which the student/candidate sat and gave the exam is recorded and sent to the whichever party who is responsible for checking whether a student has cheated or not.
  • Advanced Automatic Proctoring: In Advanced Automatic Proctoring, artificial intelligence is used for the majority of functionalities. The use of such AI makes the product much much better than its counterparts.

Remote Proctoring Softwares are getting in demand as the number of Institutions taking online exams are increasing and this is not just limited to Educational Institutes but Companies while hiring job candidates also tend to take online exams using remote proctoring softwares to check the skill set of candidates.

Currently, remote proctoring softwares is a hot deal as they have come out of nowhere and are being used on such a large scale. When any product starts expanding so rapidly, it is our duty to research and know about the profits and drawbacks which such products offer. Below we have mentioned 5 Pros & Cons of Remote Proctoring Software.

5 Pros of Remote Proctoring Softwares

Keeps students away from cheating

This is the sole reason for which the remote proctoring softwares are used on such a large scale and it will not be wrong to say that they have been quite successful in completing the very task they were created for. These softwares use a camera that must be installed on the device on which the student is giving the exam. This camera acts as a live camera and the recording is displayed to the invigilator who has the right to qualify the student after a few warnings, all thanks to Remote Proctoring Softwares.

Cost Effective

Using softwares is much less costlier than using a human who will be the invigilator. However in some cases both the facilities, Softwares and Human Invigilators are used. These cases often have a lot of credit so it does not matter to them and they want the best security, for them, the more the merrier.

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Now manual invigilation may miss anything here and there and students have been capitalizing on such opportunities for years now. But sadly, when using remote proctoring softwares, this is not possible. Remote proctoring softwares records the whole session or a real-time video is watched live by an invigilator, in this way students do not get even a second to cheat.Hence, remote proctoring softwares have become much more important and useful.

Divided Attention 

In many live proctoring circumstances, a single proctor is responsible for multiple students at once – up to ten in some cases. Unfortunately, this diverts their focus, perhaps compromising their proctoring accuracy. They may miss attempts at academic dishonesty while observing each student’s behavior throughout the exam because they were focused on another student. This possibility for distraction can damage instructors’ confidence in the exam reports they get, and it can also make a person feel as though they can get away with cheating, encouraging them to attempt more cheating in future exams.

Inconvenient Scheduling 

Live proctoring necessitates the presence of someone who can oversee a student’s exam in real time. As a result, most remote proctoring services include restrictions on when students can take examinations and require them to plan ahead of time. This is inconvenient for students, and it may result in additional expenses if their schedule changes, causing them to miss their time window. 

5 Cons of Remote Proctoring Softwares

Need of Good Internet

Now not every place will have a good internet and remote proctoring softwares requires a decent speed of connection in order to function properly. Without decent speed it gets really hard to give the exams on such platforms. We can take the example of Jammu and Kashmir students who had a troublesome time when the Internet was cut off from the state back in 2020. Students had a lot of issues giving exams because of the slow internet.

Availability of Devices

India is not a rich country and there are many people in India who can not even afford the basic needs for survival. In such scenarios, buying a device on which one can give online exams becomes very difficult and in some cases near impossible. Hence, this is a huge disadvantage as there are so many people who are left out just because they can not afford a device.

Less Knowledge of Technology

Remote proctoring softwares has descended from technology and in our country there is a huge piece of the population which is not so good with using the technology. Hence, conducting exams for such people becomes very difficult as first you will have to make them understand how they will use it.

Anxiety among students has increased.

During the testing process, certain remote proctoring systems acquire extensive personal information about students by collecting photos, sounds, and movements. Not only does this present severe privacy problems, but it also makes students aware that their every move is being watched and recorded, whether by a machine or by a human watching and listening from afar.

Privacy Violation

Students at colleges all across the world are pushing their schools to restrict proctoring services from invading students’ privacy, which is one of the most difficult problems to overcome with online proctoring. Their concerns range from the collecting of biometric data to unauthorized access to kids’ devices to significant cyber security flaws. The majority of proctoring systems also keep students in the dark about which data is collected during the test-taking process, preventing informed consent.


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