Gibbon of EduGorilla is an online platform that allows interested teachers to start their careers. They can create and sell their content and courses online with the help of Gibbon. It is the best choice for everyone who wishes to start their career with their subject knowledge.
You can teach online and earn money without moving anywhere. You can take up teaching as a part-time or full-time career.
Online proctoring enables students to take a test at a remote location while maintaining the exam’s integrity.
There are many topics on which you can create courses online. You can pick up any genre and make an online course.
order to improve education quality and maintain a better pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) in schools, the Education Departments have chosen to shift the traditional method of teacher transfer from offline to online.
These smart boards for teaching are replacing traditional black and whiteboards, allowing students to study with visual assistance both independently and collaboratively.
Online tests are helpful in many ways and here we will be discussing about the advantages that the online tests offer.